Friday, May 21, 2010

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The U.S. Senate has approved the draft financial regulations of Barack Obama.

Nothing is of course still won, and it may take much energy to the American President to arrive, as he took to impose its law on health insurance.
But anyway! Two campaign promises, two major reforms, two strong battles, and two victories. Despite the prognostic skeptical commentators from all walks of hexagonal and Cassandra, who finally decide all over worldwide. Despite the pressures of large organized lobbies so active and powerful side of Washington.

hat the artist! Which binds its battles one after the other, with calm - apparently - and cool. Forced to move - he can not tolerate the excessive power of financial institutions - he confronts the enemy stubbornly with rare agility policy. The observers will record only Gxxx! One could also draw with happiness of the method.
America will never be quite the same. Two pillars of liberalism-king crack it. She will survive to such changes in DNA?

And she will again become the respected leader of a planet appeased?

Before Western societies, which leave from sinking into depression and carefully organize their resistance to seeking a glimmer of hope, a possible model or a savior angel do not wake up too abruptly .

Here, markets do not seem to have been convinced by the measures of a Europe to save a dislocated euro well fragile.On chats leisurely age of our pensions. Fortunately

a long, hot and beautiful weekend looks sunny, decorated with a new failure of the station and start international France at Roland Garros. Who will carry the Palm in Cannes, where bioutifoules people have forgotten about the red velvet and the time and the time? Deeply

the Tour de France and joyful Pentecost.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Christian Invitation Is Spanish

Happy birthday

Happy birthday.

May 8: Anniversary of the victory of 1945.
9 May: Europe Day.
May 10: anniversary of the abolition of slavery. Sacred

During the commemorations, financial war continues, Europe will not extricate himself from his contradictions and developed countries still allow Africa to abandon.

Greece is on the verge of bankruptcy and awards re-tumble world.
"Fear of contagion,"
"Rumours about Spain: markets tremble,"
"The euro crisis infecting Wall Street." The malignant
finance are at work. A mistake of an operator - 16 billion instead of 16 million, a trifle by these days - is sowing panic in the streets.

Maneuvers Goldman Sachs is updated.
As he seems to take seriously the problems one by one, one after the other, Barack Obama, determined to eradicate the virus, has just begun the inevitable battle to defeat this enemy is too powerful. Despite what people think here, he could win and then deliver the rest of the world "developed" revenue promised for over two years by the western hills and all the G20 for a "new regulation" (!) Capitalism Financial clogging and drift back to the rules more consistent with ordinary morality, or even common sense.

commentators comment, expertisent experts assert that "all that" is probably exaggerated, and that markets "over-react."
But it was so violent upheavals and report that no lesson has effectively been holding the bottom of the serious accident of the battle of 2008, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brother and AIG disaster rescues and other General Motors .
pipes are still badly fouled.
The war is not over.

Meanwhile, EU ministers, "the wall", do not stop to consult on measures to save Greece, Europe and the Euro.
They will fall by force to address the issues! The local susceptibilities
outweigh the effectiveness and the imperative of solidarity. It glosses over the need for European political unity but is still awaiting the effects of the promises of Lisbon.

The parley is prolonged. Successive releases, the more watered down than the others, diplomatic and sterile.
"Brussels fears the impact of financial crisis on growth." Hold on! Should
so smart for making such a finding at last? Jean Claude
Trichet remains Zen, right in his boots.
"CA is not the responsibility of the ECB." Good!
At least he does not promise more, exceptionally, the end of the crisis in three weeks.
Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, known to disagree, however, write all the Presidents of Europe and Commission ... We believed that, in severe cases, they knew to call! Who are these text messages?
Maybe the press, just to reassure the populace.
Scumann, wake up, they are always so crazy. Voters

English, facetious, and probably as tired of the political home of all stripes send everybody, right, left and grapple with one center in Downing Street. Unreleased!
In France, Francois Fillon - although it had at the time suggested that France could be bankrupt - refuses to talk about rigor. That would be an austerity plan!

So many occupations before, when you want to be taken care of Africa?

Happy birthday!

Monday, May 3, 2010

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What happiness! Resistance

He had to wait a few days after this winter, so that the bells finally accomplished the traditional May thrush can bring us serenity with their promises of happiness. It was
also finally born this strange pink dinosaur that my little girl's eyes brooded the egg for several days ...
Grandfather, why the dinosaurs disappeared?
Knows ... The earth has apparently decided one of the conditions of his own survival ...

course, if there were environmentalists they are a few hundred million years, the streets of our villages are without doubt today ' Hui populated friendly pterodactyl ... Who would not facilitate the movement, but ...
course, the repeated alarms and strife nanocosmiques occupy a world in despair. The
earth bristled, the cloud Icelandic waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

And men continue with their relentless coverage of the most utopian quests, absurd or desperate, the most ideological of the most greedy. A bomb in a car bomb defies the neon of Times Square, the expected bankruptcy of Greece announces sovereign defaults and other bloody war declared between now and Barak Obama and Goldman Sachs could well prepare the measures that our President has 'appropriating, when one day preside Gxxx awfully quiet for now.
wars to try to circumvent a world decidedly complex.
Whatever the exact number of demonstrators at the Bastile. It takes
fireworks in Shanghai!

"All because that wood Chaville, there was Thrush! "
To wish this happiness to others and unlikely to say we love each other.
Perhaps is there that what counts?
Maybe Is this the right way to enter into resistance?

And why white bells - that they are pink - prohibit from being a little blue flower?
What happiness!