Sunday, January 3, 2010

Korean Traditional Dress Shop In Manila

Happy New Year, of course ...

But basically, what's new for this year?
And that will remain there in 2009? From
really different, we imagine these things they can change the world ...

Madoff, perhaps, and surprise - modest financial matters nothing surprises us, jaded as we are - in front of a building very Sustainable has bypassed all the barriers erected in the illusion regulatory world "responsibly."

In France, the drunk driver who has soaked in hitting a concrete block falling on a railroad track, derailing a train rescue immobilized for several days while the high traffic Gare d'Austerlitz. The next time he better monitor his direction, much like that golfer will work its grip after an unfortunate broken drive the windshield of a crowded school bus rolling down a ravine.

reels of a president - thwarted by the Constitutional Council in its precipitation and environmentalists of all the French in his quest for identity - but there are not more than he can despite his anger start by magic Eurostar and our good old nuclear plants failed.
But here, nothing changes.
2009 has at least revealed that EDF and SNCF, two jewels of the international prestige of France, faint Today chronically. We would become a small country?

It will probably vote on the 2009 U.S. draft "social security", however imperfect, disturbing the land of "accrued benefits" long
... Surprise! The boss of the world kept a few big million of its citizens deprived of medical aid! Would it become a great country? Thus

year may disappoint the expectations they brought in the vows they had made.

That said, it was a beautiful day, put mash Brive Perpignan, snow is not announced, we pulled the Kings, the ACC is approaching 4000, Berlusconi took advantage of his convalescence to record songs of love, there have been winning the lottery, a nice promo of the Legion of Honor, Roselyne Bachelot sells its vaccines and tomorrow everyone back to school ... ..

So anyway, happy new year.
importantly healthy!


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