Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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Policy sick of elections!

The parliamentary majority thus seriously questioning the tax shield, which sticks to their term of office as the plaster Captain Haddock! Large failure of conviction, observers notified of the results of the last election, they look with a great imagination they have - will know! - Probably won the Socialist party.
Good god, but of course! Elementary my dear Watson ...
Nothing less about, but in uncertainty ...
What voters can rest assured for a "political right", they can always try Strauss Kahn.

So for ten days, the presidential campaign and maneuvering - favorite sights of the French - are launched!
Candidates for the nomination, in the case of course - and ellipse diplomatic academy, no injures hills - where the candidates 'natural' both sides do not show up, shoot out like crocuses in spring gardens. Carla
concerned with the languor FigMag the health of her husband. For the enjoyment of the unit, and Jean Francois Xavier Bertrand Coppé prove the best of friends, Francois Fillon com'dab at work. Nobody dares to question his loyalty to the president, "despite polls! "As if these polls almanachaux should dictate the behavior each morning of the day. Alain Juppe, in reserve, ready to give his body to France. Martine merkellisée has the wind in their sails and François Hollande invests the premium times. Vals and prance Peillon, they consider that their turn has come.
Bayrou re-emerge there?
Patrick Sébastien and Dominique de Villepin are ambush.
Perhaps Georges Tron ...!

Two beautiful future of playful effervescence, duels television, Elk sincerity, turning edge, forecasts and estimates, certainties and anxieties, alliances and crooked-legged, declarations and unpacking .... In peace: few projects, no programs, no real debate!
The "Presidential Tour" is gone. The tour by Politic Show "and" Five Years "starts: soon in your city for a few exceptional performances. Daniel Cohn Bendit

t will wish that politicians, like bees foraging of wisteria jasmine busy "polleniser" a limited poorly for the future. But he notes that lucidly our bees, of course we do not fear their pique their sockets, are taped in the hive: it will not do much honey!

In the debate held last March 30 by generation of ideas, "The stage of regional or pathologies of politics" (online on April 5, we is generally believed that if the French are interested in politics - which one? - The policies, they do not suit them. They doubt the bees and hives ... Issues and forbearance experts disillusioned little tired likely to be projected. Voters ignored by the candidates, with the complicity of the media and intellectuals, have chosen not on their balance sheets and their advisers' proposals for a region unknown mysterious.
Crisis of confidence? Social crisis?

The youngest do not hesitate to express their disinterest, their despair and disillusionment.
What will they do when they get too tired we do not consider them?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

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Spring begins badly!

Palm Sad.
Spring just started.

My earliest memories of that day when we gather bouquets of boxwood that we had carefully prepared yet still sunny ...

Rain, fog and gloom, a time not to make a fisherman out. However, the trout are there, half saved - requires abstention - by the recent elections in gours stream waters still cold and stormy. Still (!), Strategies are elaborated, gleaming weapons and fish had better take in those first days of spring.

A spring started well: The blues had beaten - with difficulty, but courage - the Rose at the Stade de France. Certainly, the next day, roses soundly beat the blues. Expected a bit but we preferred to enjoy the first effects of the rays of the sun from March to kick off rush of souls too numb rigourenx this winter. Suddenly, rays of light finally brushed decks crowded and not that of smokers, where they finally thought to pull the braziers. The slate bistro salad try out first. Some buds were planning to go out and greet the return of battalions butterflies perched on shortened skirts pretty incredible new heels dramatically extended. The camellias are in bloom, daisies dare one output from the colorful primroses. We no longer believed too. We even caught a few smiles brand new!

Blame the voters decidedly uncooperative, the President felt obliged to intervene and the weather turned bad. Except perhaps for three new ministers have arisen from the bottom of the ballot boxes, forgotten and unknown, cold rain fell and threw away our projects printaneries. Condolences may be for nature and the planet, frightened face of such resistance of winter, the pupae were re-Titillated muffled in black frock coats December. The mediocre ballets purring the little political theater hardly cheered enthusiasms and prematurely cut down. Should we curb our cravings irrefutable de-hibernation?

Finally, it appears that the proposed U.S. safety of Barack Obama was adopted. The tenacity and persistence, when they serve a certain idea of justice, they would be effective. Will he now resume as he had threatened his part with the banks?

In France, we keep the momentum of the reforms at the same time we announced a break! And the appearance of two new political movements - driven Sebastien and Patrick, respectively, by Dominique de Villepin - does not seem to have risen to this point any hope of renewal.

DST will not be worth as expected in case of light.

Monday, March 15, 2010

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A - not much! - Voted Happy New Year

A - very little! - Voted
... And the map would remain a permanent record.
Good. They all won, except maybe François Bayrou, a little cloth on the evening of the first round. Mr. Lefevre
repeat loop, and loops, that nothing can be concluded that his training would have been dismissed or that his comrade Besson - invisible TV on the grounds of political commentary in this first round - would have favored the score FN. Duly noted. Even
! The SP recorded a victory - despite last-minute defection of Jean Ferrat - and the worm (t) ss'installent in the aisles of the territorial assemblies.

Chic, quotas were again planted pollsters and fishermen abstainers opening - except Lonzac - despair microcosm sclerotic, private fantasy, blind to the signals of a society without illusion: you can not anything nothing, gentlemen policies. We do not believe you more, do you mean more and nothing forbids us to inform you that we are not fooled.
Crisis larva!

So why reward a long list of blocked anonymous notorious unknown power which we know the secrets. What are the skills of a region? And how can it improve the ordinary? Democratic logic calls clarity, commitment ... and punishment!

still loyal to the mohican reflex citizen here have voted for the automatic renewal of the left and by nature have long invested in local associations, which animate the sports club and cultural activities of the village and carry them visibly live. The incorrigible
naive desperate - groupies Home and Ushuaia - still and always looking for a new neo-something explored in a final burst runway environment. The frightened
chilly - in lack of national identity - terrified by the shadow of their own responsibilities and / or the barbarian invasions took refuge to extremes falsely reassuring.

At the exit polls, it gives 54% of anglers, 30% of addicts in local life, 27% of supporters despite their false coherences government, 13% Hulo-arthusophiles worried about the future of the planet and 12% susceptible to stagnation doctrinaire conservative.
0% happy or optimistic, since it is still far too cold for the trout mouchent really!

There is nothing to be surprised too, draw upon a star, branding or celebrate.
It's enough to hear a society disoriented definitely ready to disavow its eminences firmly proved powerless.