A - very little! - Voted
... And the map would remain a permanent record.
Good. They all won, except maybe François Bayrou, a little cloth on the evening of the first round. Mr. Lefevre
repeat loop, and loops, that nothing can be concluded that his training would have been dismissed or that his comrade Besson - invisible TV on the grounds of political commentary in this first round - would have favored the score FN. Duly noted. Even
! The SP recorded a victory - despite last-minute defection of Jean Ferrat - and the worm (t) ss'installent in the aisles of the territorial assemblies.
Chic, quotas were again planted pollsters and fishermen abstainers opening - except Lonzac - despair microcosm sclerotic, private fantasy, blind to the signals of a society without illusion: you can not anything nothing, gentlemen policies. We do not believe you more, do you mean more and nothing forbids us to inform you that we are not fooled.
Crisis larva!
So why reward a long list of blocked anonymous notorious unknown power which we know the secrets. What are the skills of a region? And how can it improve the ordinary? Democratic logic calls clarity, commitment ... and punishment!
still loyal to the mohican reflex citizen here have voted for the automatic renewal of the left and by nature have long invested in local associations, which animate the sports club and cultural activities of the village and carry them visibly live. The incorrigible
naive desperate - groupies Home and Ushuaia - still and always looking for a new neo-something explored in a final burst runway environment. The frightened
chilly - in lack of national identity - terrified by the shadow of their own responsibilities and / or the barbarian invasions took refuge to extremes falsely reassuring.
At the exit polls, it gives 54% of anglers, 30% of addicts in local life, 27% of supporters despite their false coherences government, 13% Hulo-arthusophiles worried about the future of the planet and 12% susceptible to stagnation doctrinaire conservative.
0% happy or optimistic, since it is still far too cold for the trout mouchent really!
There is nothing to be surprised too, draw upon a star, branding or celebrate.
It's enough to hear a society disoriented definitely ready to disavow its eminences firmly proved powerless.
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