Monday, June 28, 2010

Katydid Candy Kathryn Beich

's inventory by: Daniel Bravo

It does not permanently store may be our pencils, but still! Could we better tell the state of our great country that did this morning, Daniel Ruiz in his editorial "The Mountain": An inventory

long as
shoelaces Roland Dumas
the memory pots
wine case Aranda, an old lady
too rich and
dreams faded starlet, a photographer
not neat, a father to discipline
Matignon who does not like burrs
and a mother's moral mission
taken by hand
in jam, a minister money
treasurer of the party and his wife

imprudent not yet part of a president who doubles discrimination

salary, lures blue
escorted by bikers and bad players too
talkative, a
mixture of genres and
dogs yet released, a mort
will start soon ... And a raccoon

A secretary of state for the suburbs
housed in the beautiful neighborhoods and a Republic

too good daughter, a cheapskate
smoking cigar and a clever trader
soon be behind bars,
a Minister of Labour
soon retire and reform
bad start, the legion of honor at a
fortune because it's worth it, a
Her Itier
known for his lion hunts and financial
Specialists escape
a Secretary of State for Cooperation
who grows any permit
... And a raccoon profiteer.

A butler who does not
gloves and a story to
Sagan, a former Prime Minister
pulling strings and
hook butcher who is expecting her
hour a night in cities and a strong
mouth set cool,
States General
for football fans and privileged
strike, a mixture of genres and
doubt that it escapes
deportations of undocumented and arrested
debate , comedians
thanked for abuse
words ... And a mocking raccoon.

The alibi of a list of cheaters in Helvetia
to serve as umbrella
aircraft overpriced and
acts that constantly contradict
lyrics, support
too pressing and disturbing conflicts of interest
, white knights

black and folders, a budget minister who says
law for all employees and
just let thumbs,
issues at sea itent
unless asked ... and a raccoon
fraudster .

Bravo, Daniel

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Big Toe Cuticle Is Swollen

Anelka: seen, heard

Nicolas Anelka will have certainly failed to control, cursing in flowery terms - insults over the daisies - Raymond Domenech unacceptable, as any little thug in admonishes street person whose head is not ours! Because he is on his way or he refuses a cigarette ... Because the drift of the company allow him.

Insolence, disrespect, violence: new forms of dialogue ordinary!

Raymond Domenech has not responded, but he pulled out of the land Anelka, the ultimate use of its meager authority fallen last act of power become sterile.

They then attempted to denounce the traitor, the one by whom the scandal would have happened! Without him, nothing would have known, and the ball on several big hypocrites million could continue. He may have had more courage than you think to break the omerta. If he was a hero, tired of working.

leaders who, again not run anything, but are forced to connect (!) Are contradictory to the environment, paralyzed in the web team combining trade commitments, sponsors and television rights, interests leagues and federations, youth and duties towards the country and the main concern to preserve the last appearance of morality.

Without ever discussing the meaning of honor or respect each other, without ever suggesting any responsibilities. Meanwhile the public, the true fans, football fans sincere, volunteers clubs of all sizes and youth who proudly wore the jersey of their team on the stage of the village are sad, disappointed, angry, betrayed, sounded, disillusioned and ashamed before so casually and contemptuously golden.

"Not seen, not caught" Had we heard during the "affair" at the hands of Thierry Henry.

Anelka is "heard, seen and taken."

Philosophers and moralists have work.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ap Biology Cellular Respiration Mammal Reptile

taken June 18: Calling Lonzac! As a perfume

"The leaders who, for many years, are heads of Western governments, have formed a G20. This

G20, alleging loss to the world of finance, trying to "regulate"

While we were, we are overwhelmed by the strength and imagination of bankers

Infinitely more than their number, what are their financial strength and inventiveness that made us retreat. What are their financial strength and inventiveness that surprised our leaders to lead them to the point where they are today.

But the last word been said? Must hope disappear? The defeat is final? No!

Believe me, I speak to you Informed facts and tell you that nothing is lost for France. The same means that overcame us can bring a day of victory.

For France is not alone! She is not alone! She is not alone! It has vast reserves behind it. She can align with Europe is the Euro and the fight continues. It may be used without too many limits the immense support of the United States.

This war is not limited to the unfortunate territory of our country. This war is not finished by the Battle of France. This war is a world war. All the faults, all the delays, all the suffering, do not stop there in the universe, all means necessary to crush our enemies one day. Vanquished today by the powers of money, we can conquer in the future by a superior imagination. The fate of the world is there. Currently in

Lonzac, I invite the French around the world with courage and determination, I invite entrepreneurs and employees - and all other - to get in touch with me.

Whatever happens, the flame of French resistance must not be extinguished and will not die.

Tomorrow, as today I will speak on "I embrousse very strong."

Well, okay, I could not help myself ... It was enough to replace the historical text "armed forces" with "money power" ...

Monday, June 14, 2010

How Do You Migrate Pokemon Soul


32 full pages - with little advertising - on "De Gaulle, a French free" in the delivery of the weekend's Le Figaro Magazine. So far, everything is normal. The new Observer Thursday had fired first: the cover and 20 full pages on "The hidden face of the man of June 18, De Gaulle intime.

Two weeks later, Le Figaro reports some dozens of literary work published on human and June 1940 ; In the window of the bookstore Gallimard, boulevard Raspail, over sixty titles collide, distract and disturb the bibliophagous conscientious, will not be more at peace at the Foam home pages and other booksellers. Not a night without General in primetime. Dramas, documentaries, retrospectives and debates evidence of a drip at the X. It organizes auditions and competitions to nominate the best De Gaulle! As for Elvis, Johnny and Claude Francois; be announced almost a grand tour to come!

In the press, the space devoted to man's encroachment on June 18 the adventures of the team de France Football, and oddly discreet deprives the reader of debate time on the pension reform, which may suit some. Meanwhile, it listed "War Memoirs" in literary program for the next ferry, which lacks a trigger of our good old union outcry in the French.

In a mischievous novel, The Return of General Benedict Duteurtre imagines a new call during a television piracy, - 2010 requires, it could use Facebook - the immortal ideal father for the "greatness of France" faced with emergencies of globalization. Jean Michel Ribes

prepares for the start of the Theatre du Rond-Point the next release of its "Laugh resistance." In each sub-prefecture associations and learned societies organize conferences and symposia on the Resistance and its figures. Le Monde on Monday organized a meeting with Edgar Morin, - almost alone - the last French intellectual, "In Praise of resistance" or "how to resist in the time of the occupation, but today, at the time of colonization of the territories and imagination "when to" marry the battles of his time. "

The Appeal of 18 June will probably been very few of these events - we count on the fingers of one hand - critical and founders. When history shapes the mythology. We commemorate the seventieth anniversary Friday. We had done less for sixty years. Deserves this avalanche of précipiation memorial? The aging of the witnesses, the continued use of the Gaullist sanitized the constraints of political spectacle, the terrible lack of imagination of publishers and other producers?

Or the disarray of a depressed society paralyzed by the lack of prospects and / or the desperate search a charismatic incarnation!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stores Where You Can Buy Konad Nail

First Photos of June!

Photographer the day: Olivier Boulanger! :-)