Monday, June 14, 2010

How Do You Migrate Pokemon Soul


32 full pages - with little advertising - on "De Gaulle, a French free" in the delivery of the weekend's Le Figaro Magazine. So far, everything is normal. The new Observer Thursday had fired first: the cover and 20 full pages on "The hidden face of the man of June 18, De Gaulle intime.

Two weeks later, Le Figaro reports some dozens of literary work published on human and June 1940 ; In the window of the bookstore Gallimard, boulevard Raspail, over sixty titles collide, distract and disturb the bibliophagous conscientious, will not be more at peace at the Foam home pages and other booksellers. Not a night without General in primetime. Dramas, documentaries, retrospectives and debates evidence of a drip at the X. It organizes auditions and competitions to nominate the best De Gaulle! As for Elvis, Johnny and Claude Francois; be announced almost a grand tour to come!

In the press, the space devoted to man's encroachment on June 18 the adventures of the team de France Football, and oddly discreet deprives the reader of debate time on the pension reform, which may suit some. Meanwhile, it listed "War Memoirs" in literary program for the next ferry, which lacks a trigger of our good old union outcry in the French.

In a mischievous novel, The Return of General Benedict Duteurtre imagines a new call during a television piracy, - 2010 requires, it could use Facebook - the immortal ideal father for the "greatness of France" faced with emergencies of globalization. Jean Michel Ribes

prepares for the start of the Theatre du Rond-Point the next release of its "Laugh resistance." In each sub-prefecture associations and learned societies organize conferences and symposia on the Resistance and its figures. Le Monde on Monday organized a meeting with Edgar Morin, - almost alone - the last French intellectual, "In Praise of resistance" or "how to resist in the time of the occupation, but today, at the time of colonization of the territories and imagination "when to" marry the battles of his time. "

The Appeal of 18 June will probably been very few of these events - we count on the fingers of one hand - critical and founders. When history shapes the mythology. We commemorate the seventieth anniversary Friday. We had done less for sixty years. Deserves this avalanche of précipiation memorial? The aging of the witnesses, the continued use of the Gaullist sanitized the constraints of political spectacle, the terrible lack of imagination of publishers and other producers?

Or the disarray of a depressed society paralyzed by the lack of prospects and / or the desperate search a charismatic incarnation!


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