Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Royce Chocolate Online Store

Prématricot 76: for Reconnaissange

A third small together the package of Lili. completed this week.
I made a 4th and I'll send you everything.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Artiste Milau By Scott Kay

Madeleines salty bacon: 2 ProPoint / piece

I gave you the recipe for ham-Ricotta Verrines here: http://jardin-parfum.blogspot.com/2010/12/verrines-jambon-ricotta-2-propointspers.html

I now give you the recipe for madeleines who accompanied them.

Ingredients 16 madeleines
2 eggs - 80 gr
flour - 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
- 4 tbsp sunflower oil
- 15 gr grated cheese
lightened - 100 gr bacon
- 1 tablespoon fresh or frozen chives
- 1 tablespoon garlic dehydrated
- Salt and pepper Preparation

Preheat oven to 250 ° C. Break the eggs, separating whites and yolks. In a bowl, mix the flour and baking powder with the egg yolks with a mixing spoon. Whisk egg whites lightly with a fork without mounting them, then add to the mix. Pour oil and stir quickly with a whisk. Add cheese and mix. Add salt and pepper. Add bacon and herbs, garlic and mix. Pour 1 tablespoon batter into each madeleine mold cavity previously buttered and floured if necessary (the best pan silicone previously spent underwater). Put the madeleines in middle of oven at 250 ° C for 4 minutes, then reduce temperature to 210 ° C and cook for another 6 minutes. Repeat with second batch. That

, Meals on good!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Powerpoint Templates With Dunk Tank

Prématricot 75: for Reconnaissange

I can add these 6 small cap to the parcel of Lili. Wool Ecru: 3 in size 24 weeks and 3 in 20 weeks.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Darvocet 100 Vs Percocet

Pleasure Garden: December 2010

In December there is not really much to do in the garden, but but but ...

the garden
  • Planting garlic, shallot and rhubarb.

  • Harvest Brussels sprouts, leeks and lettuce.

the orchard

  • Out frosts, we can begin to prune pome fruit (apple, pear)). Cut back trees weakened or giving little fruit, and cut the fruit frankly less vigorous.

  • Using a stiff brush, remove lichen, moss and ivy hanging on the trunk and branches of trees.

  • Fertilize fruit of the earth by providing a fertilizer rich in potash and phosphoric acid.

Flowers: Cyclamen
This lovely plant with delicate flowers, white, purple, pink or red flowers from November to March, flowering for about 1 ½ months. Fragile, it is difficult to maintain and to flourish again.

In winter, it is best to place it in a cool room or the temperature does not exceed 18-19 ° C. It should be watered regularly, without paying water in the center of the plant, which promotes rot buttons. Bring a little liquid fertilizer every week. We can remove the cyclamen out periods of freezing, the fresh air it will regenerate. Once flowering is complete, continue to water and fertilize the plant until the leaves turn yellow (around April). We do not give him more water until July and place the pot outdoors in a shady corner. When the old foliage will be gone in favor of the new, we can repot the bulb, by burying the 2 / 3. We will return the pot in September.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Bachelorette Party Rhymes

Prématricot 74: Small package for Reconnaissange

I just finished the second set very small for the association reconnaissange. Almost the same as the first, but with more knobs.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dog's Tongue Turns Dark Red


Lately I sewed and decorated a book bag for my mom. I had shown here: http://jardin-parfum.blogspot.com/2010/11/un-sac-ouvrage-pour-maman.html

And I just finished this little kit "In Name of the Rose "to accompany it. She can put her pins, needles and thimble.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ktes Playground Hardecore

Whatever! Transparencies and unpacking

This penultimate pre-Christmas weekend, so commonplace and sunny weather we should have welcomed France's announcement and we would have been very dull without the "slippage" presqu'ordinaire Marine Le Pen's National Front is mentioned again and reappears ... Mélanchon

The weekly feed our columns and our screens.
is no longer good for eighteen months, five ... and some centjours

François Fillon and Jean-Francois Cope have immediately called the "sacred union" against all others, under the eye determined President's contemplating his historic unpopularity rating.
Jean Louis Borloo and 800 guests at a banquet Republican who has of course nothing to do with any political intention, had opened the ball Friday night.
Martine - a concern for strict adherence to schedule socialist hiding it a great indecision? - And Segolene - self freshly nominated for the nomination - and show good agreement on substantive equality kisses "real." The alliance seems uncertain. When will the iso-reality of true equality? To everyone's surprise
Francis (again!) Bayrou has been triumphantly re-elected president for life of its owner movement, which no longer identifies the membership ... Benoît Hamon
redecorated his office a poster of "No Reform Tour" Thugs.
Arnaud Montebourg spent a quiet Sunday with Audrey, finally duty at home due to quasi-spousal nomination - would have done it on purpose? -
Dominique de Villepin is silent. Christine Boutin
too. Laurent Fabius
remains in reserve.

DSK - which can no longer do not know if he really believes in want - stick to the promise made to our friends across the Rhine to finish his term. It has not yet responded to the offer for Ségolène Matignon. Who knows?

Coluche, come back.

François Hollande travels among its citizens and meet Corrèze, Tulle market to the small church restore Viam, village local hero epics Richard Millet. He may not now happen in all the Christmas markets blossom in the village squares of the department. But he will have all visited before the next

cantonal matter.
According to "The Mountain", will Denis Tillinac auditors said Friday a tulle debate on national identity "to govern France, you better be spent by the Corrèze by Washington. " Certainly
Correze, with its Riviera on the banks of the Dordogne, its metropolitan Brive and temptations in the Aquitaine Yssandon, mountain cliffs and Xaintrie townships of the harsh high country Monédières and plateau offers a true small model France. With a significant difference: all the local peculiarities disappear when it comes to face the "Stranger" even come from within.
However, a study tour in IMF can interfere in these times of globalization?
Finally, France and its cheeses Uncountable is really governable by anyone, except, Obviously, General de Gaulle, whose spirits are so often called these days?

The electoral body in its wisdom decadal likely to vote, once again, for the symbolic promise of a man or a woman he feels he plays in his life of adventure. Desperate by the failure of successive leaders and camps - there can they something? - Perhaps he will be tempted by something new, something else ...

polls have announced urbi et orbi. DSK has already won!
Even before declaring himself. And perhaps for this.
Respondents confirm when they will be a candidate?
be remembered with interest and lucidity of a legend of a "World" in late November 1994 when one of the popes then predicting election and opinion polls, Jerome Jaffre, signed:
"for opinion, the presidential election is already over "... for the benefit of Edouard Balladur!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Inbound Into Customs Usps

Verrines Ham-Ricotta (2 ProPoint / pers.)

I recently asked my step-mom and her boyfriend to come to supper. I had the opportunity to input into this light and delicious recipe: Ham-Ricotta Some glasses.
I share the recipe with you.
Ingredients for 4 glasses
125 grams of ricotta (5)
A tray of diced ham 100 gr (3) 1 large tomato
Basil chopped fresh or frozen.
Salt and pepper Preparation

Mix the ricotta with the ham, salt and pepper if necessary. Cut into small dice of tomato, seeded and mix with a little salt, pepper and a little basil. Share
preparation in 4 glasses and chill at least 3 heures.Au serving time add the tomato pieces on top.
I have served with 2 madeleines Abcone I'll give you the recipe next time.
That try and you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Much Does A 250cc Hibird Custom Chopper

The waltz of the seasons: December 2010

We're already reached the last months of the year, as it goes fast!

Souvenir du passé
  • 23 décembre 1986 : L’avion expérimental Voyager se pose à Edwards, en Californie, après avoir effectué un tour du monde sans escale, ni ravitaillement en seulement 9 jours et 4 minutes. Les 2 pilotes, Dick Rutan et Yeana Yeager, ont parcouru 41.000 kilomètres à la vitesse moyenne de 186 km/h.
  • 24 décembre 1922 : Naissance à Smithfield (USA) de l’actrice Ava Gardner. Celle que l’on surnomma « le plus bel animal du monde » fut l’une des plus grandes stars d’Hollywood.
    Fille de fermiers, Ava Gardner passe son children in the family tobacco plantation. When she moved to New York at age 18, her beauty was immortalized by a photographer who shot from all angles and exhibits in its galleries. A member of MGM, which falls on the cliches, it proposes to pass a few tests. This is the turning point in his career: in 1941, she signed a seven-year contract with the American major. Between 1941 and 1945, MGM did the job for her beauty. It was not until 1946 and his role as charming vamp Burt Lancaster in the film noir "The Killers" that his career really began, his physical lighting up the femme fatale films in which she appears. The 1950 spending Ava Gardner, then very quickly seen, throughout his public success, as one of the most beautiful women in the world. His role in 'The Barefoot Contessa, Joseph L Mankiewicz in 1954 and his relationship with Frank Sinatra complete the install as one of the most glamorous stars of American cinema. Following his career follows a winding course. Legend of the seventh art whose beauty has given overwhelming acclaim in glamorous Hollywood, Ava Gardner ended his career on small screen. Suffering from pneumonia, she died in London in 1990.

    "Love is measured by what we accept to sacrifice." Ava Gardner - Extract from his memoirs

Proverbs and Sayings
Rossignol December silent prison presage late December and cold season
takes, it does

Forgotten Trades: The Merchant of milk
The market milk fetched the milk from farms at night and filled cans she kept overnight in tanks filled with cold water. The next morning at dawn, she harnessed her ass and made the rounds of nearby villages. Posted in doorways or on street corners she cried: "To my good milk! Who wants good milk? The milk will soon! . Cheating was common, as the police or veterinary controlled they regularly check that the milk had not been thinned with water and a little flour or cream that had not been removed .

Filled Tank: Swan Lake
is probably one of the most performed classical ballets in the world, which traces the sublime and sad story of impossible love for Odette, Siegfried . This masterpiece was created in 1877, the theater Bolshoi in Moscow.
With music by Tchaikovsky, the ballet in 4 acts inspired by an old German legend: preparing to celebrate his majority, Siegfried was forced by his mother to choose his future wife during the dance held. Disappointed not to marry for love, the young prince from the night in the forest. He then saw a cloud of swans, in whose midst stands a young woman clad in white feathers, with whom he falls madly in love. Named Odette, she learns that she was captured by the sorcerer Von Rothbart: woman the night she turns into a swan by day. Only her marriage will break the spell. But the cruel magician is determined to prevent the marriage of those two ...
Tips grandmother Leonarda
  • Remove stains on suede : If clothing or suede shoes are clearly stained, apply a little talcum powder on the dirt and leave overnight. If the spots are only blurred, repeat. They will eventually disappear completely
  • Ficus : If your ficus loses its leaves for no apparent reason, pour a can of beer in the ground every week for a month and then every 15 days. It should go without further intervention from you. However, be sure to place the plant in a pot without water supply, stagnant water tends to rot the roots.
The collector of ink called atramantophile
The collector of the first issues of magazines called cocoframophile
Expression: "A smoke and mirrors"
This expression , which is employed to denote a trap in the 1950s. It was inspired by an overstaffed lure hunters to hunt birds, especially larks: it was a box covered with mirror, which, when she was agitated, emitted bright reflections, which attracted the birds. The hunters then captured using a net or shot them a shot.
Puzzles and riddles
  1. Charade
    My 1st wrong slowly
    My second is said of a wealthy person of high degree or
    My third is a portion of food
    My all means a strong protest
  2. What are the names
  3. the inhabitants of the department of Ain? How
  4. called the inhabitants of the tiny town of Ariege Appy?
  5. Charade
    My 1st is neither blond nor red
    My second is twisted as in pigs
    My third move in oscillating
    My very unstable
  6. How
  7. called the inhabitants of Saint-Chamassy in the Dordogne? How
  8. called the inhabitants of the commune of Brittany in the territory of Belford?
  9. What is the capital of Brazil?
  10. Where is the temple of Angkor?
  11. How do we appoint the summits of the Vosges mountains?
  12. What is the name of the city nicknamed "The city of 100 towers"?
Answer to Question 2 (a charade) of last month
1) slum (without - duck - garlic)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Does A Uterine Prolapse Feel Like

Wikileaks does not tell anything other than what we already knew! Nevertheless, unpacking uneasy, as if so many banalities derrrière loomed all the secrets and mysteries of a vanishing world by dint of showing off ... Would that the world Wikileask?

Again, Daniel Ruiz, the editor of "The Mountain" tells it so well in its issue of December 2:

"Bits from Punch

Day after day, the gossip column in the world feeds our greedy sights of tiny revelations that we are presented as firebrands but was defused all detonators. Was it all hype to teach us that Nicolas Sarkozy is authoritarian and pro-American that DSK has little sympathy for Ségolène Royal, Angela Merkel is sad as a nightcap, Berlusconi likes nothing better than a merry and Rafale is our unsaleable ... Of course not and it is a curious paradox that newspapers used to see the bond a site expert on information self miles both written and explained to their readers .

Others are offended by this unpacking in a public place behind the scenes diplomacy, stolen by a computer as smart as malicious. To believe that the balance of the world will find it upset. Undoubtedly the publication of the telegrams she annoy some susceptibilities. But to read and reread the supply of scoops of Punch is understood that the argument for transparency is only an excuse to spill exhibitionist indiscretions in the service of interests that they are well kept secrets.
The cons-powers, to remain credible, must not dispose of their ethical codes , or forget to always separate the wheat from the chaff. Ethics is often the ally of the pugnacity against manipulation of the truth and abuse of state secrecy. Inform is not be at the trailer of a website that confuses freedom of expression with the spread of this species collection of short-shops. The scenes are the scenes that Wikileaks and an avatar of the Internet which we may discover one day that he was exploited. Fortunately
war and peace is not dependent upon a little rabbit went through a living gold or a cozy sofa in Washington. The main interest of this operation will great echo, perhaps, to open a true reflection on the information professions. And
check once again that the distance and respect for others are other forms of expression.
silence too. "

Then Silence!