Monday, December 13, 2010

Ktes Playground Hardecore

Whatever! Transparencies and unpacking

This penultimate pre-Christmas weekend, so commonplace and sunny weather we should have welcomed France's announcement and we would have been very dull without the "slippage" presqu'ordinaire Marine Le Pen's National Front is mentioned again and reappears ... Mélanchon

The weekly feed our columns and our screens.
is no longer good for eighteen months, five ... and some centjours

François Fillon and Jean-Francois Cope have immediately called the "sacred union" against all others, under the eye determined President's contemplating his historic unpopularity rating.
Jean Louis Borloo and 800 guests at a banquet Republican who has of course nothing to do with any political intention, had opened the ball Friday night.
Martine - a concern for strict adherence to schedule socialist hiding it a great indecision? - And Segolene - self freshly nominated for the nomination - and show good agreement on substantive equality kisses "real." The alliance seems uncertain. When will the iso-reality of true equality? To everyone's surprise
Francis (again!) Bayrou has been triumphantly re-elected president for life of its owner movement, which no longer identifies the membership ... Benoît Hamon
redecorated his office a poster of "No Reform Tour" Thugs.
Arnaud Montebourg spent a quiet Sunday with Audrey, finally duty at home due to quasi-spousal nomination - would have done it on purpose? -
Dominique de Villepin is silent. Christine Boutin
too. Laurent Fabius
remains in reserve.

DSK - which can no longer do not know if he really believes in want - stick to the promise made to our friends across the Rhine to finish his term. It has not yet responded to the offer for Ségolène Matignon. Who knows?

Coluche, come back.

François Hollande travels among its citizens and meet Corrèze, Tulle market to the small church restore Viam, village local hero epics Richard Millet. He may not now happen in all the Christmas markets blossom in the village squares of the department. But he will have all visited before the next

cantonal matter.
According to "The Mountain", will Denis Tillinac auditors said Friday a tulle debate on national identity "to govern France, you better be spent by the Corrèze by Washington. " Certainly
Correze, with its Riviera on the banks of the Dordogne, its metropolitan Brive and temptations in the Aquitaine Yssandon, mountain cliffs and Xaintrie townships of the harsh high country Monédières and plateau offers a true small model France. With a significant difference: all the local peculiarities disappear when it comes to face the "Stranger" even come from within.
However, a study tour in IMF can interfere in these times of globalization?
Finally, France and its cheeses Uncountable is really governable by anyone, except, Obviously, General de Gaulle, whose spirits are so often called these days?

The electoral body in its wisdom decadal likely to vote, once again, for the symbolic promise of a man or a woman he feels he plays in his life of adventure. Desperate by the failure of successive leaders and camps - there can they something? - Perhaps he will be tempted by something new, something else ...

polls have announced urbi et orbi. DSK has already won!
Even before declaring himself. And perhaps for this.
Respondents confirm when they will be a candidate?
be remembered with interest and lucidity of a legend of a "World" in late November 1994 when one of the popes then predicting election and opinion polls, Jerome Jaffre, signed:
"for opinion, the presidential election is already over "... for the benefit of Edouard Balladur!


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