Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Much Does A 250cc Hibird Custom Chopper

The waltz of the seasons: December 2010

We're already reached the last months of the year, as it goes fast!

Souvenir du passé
  • 23 décembre 1986 : L’avion expérimental Voyager se pose à Edwards, en Californie, après avoir effectué un tour du monde sans escale, ni ravitaillement en seulement 9 jours et 4 minutes. Les 2 pilotes, Dick Rutan et Yeana Yeager, ont parcouru 41.000 kilomètres à la vitesse moyenne de 186 km/h.
  • 24 décembre 1922 : Naissance à Smithfield (USA) de l’actrice Ava Gardner. Celle que l’on surnomma « le plus bel animal du monde » fut l’une des plus grandes stars d’Hollywood.
    Fille de fermiers, Ava Gardner passe son children in the family tobacco plantation. When she moved to New York at age 18, her beauty was immortalized by a photographer who shot from all angles and exhibits in its galleries. A member of MGM, which falls on the cliches, it proposes to pass a few tests. This is the turning point in his career: in 1941, she signed a seven-year contract with the American major. Between 1941 and 1945, MGM did the job for her beauty. It was not until 1946 and his role as charming vamp Burt Lancaster in the film noir "The Killers" that his career really began, his physical lighting up the femme fatale films in which she appears. The 1950 spending Ava Gardner, then very quickly seen, throughout his public success, as one of the most beautiful women in the world. His role in 'The Barefoot Contessa, Joseph L Mankiewicz in 1954 and his relationship with Frank Sinatra complete the install as one of the most glamorous stars of American cinema. Following his career follows a winding course. Legend of the seventh art whose beauty has given overwhelming acclaim in glamorous Hollywood, Ava Gardner ended his career on small screen. Suffering from pneumonia, she died in London in 1990.

    "Love is measured by what we accept to sacrifice." Ava Gardner - Extract from his memoirs

Proverbs and Sayings
Rossignol December silent prison presage late December and cold season
takes, it does

Forgotten Trades: The Merchant of milk
The market milk fetched the milk from farms at night and filled cans she kept overnight in tanks filled with cold water. The next morning at dawn, she harnessed her ass and made the rounds of nearby villages. Posted in doorways or on street corners she cried: "To my good milk! Who wants good milk? The milk will soon! . Cheating was common, as the police or veterinary controlled they regularly check that the milk had not been thinned with water and a little flour or cream that had not been removed .

Filled Tank: Swan Lake
is probably one of the most performed classical ballets in the world, which traces the sublime and sad story of impossible love for Odette, Siegfried . This masterpiece was created in 1877, the theater Bolshoi in Moscow.
With music by Tchaikovsky, the ballet in 4 acts inspired by an old German legend: preparing to celebrate his majority, Siegfried was forced by his mother to choose his future wife during the dance held. Disappointed not to marry for love, the young prince from the night in the forest. He then saw a cloud of swans, in whose midst stands a young woman clad in white feathers, with whom he falls madly in love. Named Odette, she learns that she was captured by the sorcerer Von Rothbart: woman the night she turns into a swan by day. Only her marriage will break the spell. But the cruel magician is determined to prevent the marriage of those two ...
Tips grandmother Leonarda
  • Remove stains on suede : If clothing or suede shoes are clearly stained, apply a little talcum powder on the dirt and leave overnight. If the spots are only blurred, repeat. They will eventually disappear completely
  • Ficus : If your ficus loses its leaves for no apparent reason, pour a can of beer in the ground every week for a month and then every 15 days. It should go without further intervention from you. However, be sure to place the plant in a pot without water supply, stagnant water tends to rot the roots.
The collector of ink called atramantophile
The collector of the first issues of magazines called cocoframophile
Expression: "A smoke and mirrors"
This expression , which is employed to denote a trap in the 1950s. It was inspired by an overstaffed lure hunters to hunt birds, especially larks: it was a box covered with mirror, which, when she was agitated, emitted bright reflections, which attracted the birds. The hunters then captured using a net or shot them a shot.
Puzzles and riddles
  1. Charade
    My 1st wrong slowly
    My second is said of a wealthy person of high degree or
    My third is a portion of food
    My all means a strong protest
  2. What are the names
  3. the inhabitants of the department of Ain? How
  4. called the inhabitants of the tiny town of Ariege Appy?
  5. Charade
    My 1st is neither blond nor red
    My second is twisted as in pigs
    My third move in oscillating
    My very unstable
  6. How
  7. called the inhabitants of Saint-Chamassy in the Dordogne? How
  8. called the inhabitants of the commune of Brittany in the territory of Belford?
  9. What is the capital of Brazil?
  10. Where is the temple of Angkor?
  11. How do we appoint the summits of the Vosges mountains?
  12. What is the name of the city nicknamed "The city of 100 towers"?
Answer to Question 2 (a charade) of last month
1) slum (without - duck - garlic)


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