Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Does A Uterine Prolapse Feel Like

Wikileaks does not tell anything other than what we already knew! Nevertheless, unpacking uneasy, as if so many banalities derrrière loomed all the secrets and mysteries of a vanishing world by dint of showing off ... Would that the world Wikileask?

Again, Daniel Ruiz, the editor of "The Mountain" tells it so well in its issue of December 2:

"Bits from Punch

Day after day, the gossip column in the world feeds our greedy sights of tiny revelations that we are presented as firebrands but was defused all detonators. Was it all hype to teach us that Nicolas Sarkozy is authoritarian and pro-American that DSK has little sympathy for Ségolène Royal, Angela Merkel is sad as a nightcap, Berlusconi likes nothing better than a merry and Rafale is our unsaleable ... Of course not and it is a curious paradox that newspapers used to see the bond a site expert on information self miles both written and explained to their readers .

Others are offended by this unpacking in a public place behind the scenes diplomacy, stolen by a computer as smart as malicious. To believe that the balance of the world will find it upset. Undoubtedly the publication of the telegrams she annoy some susceptibilities. But to read and reread the supply of scoops of Punch is understood that the argument for transparency is only an excuse to spill exhibitionist indiscretions in the service of interests that they are well kept secrets.
The cons-powers, to remain credible, must not dispose of their ethical codes , or forget to always separate the wheat from the chaff. Ethics is often the ally of the pugnacity against manipulation of the truth and abuse of state secrecy. Inform is not be at the trailer of a website that confuses freedom of expression with the spread of this species collection of short-shops. The scenes are the scenes that Wikileaks and an avatar of the Internet which we may discover one day that he was exploited. Fortunately
war and peace is not dependent upon a little rabbit went through a living gold or a cozy sofa in Washington. The main interest of this operation will great echo, perhaps, to open a true reflection on the information professions. And
check once again that the distance and respect for others are other forms of expression.
silence too. "

Then Silence!


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